Author Archives: admin

Money, part 2

If you have seen American TV and/or movies you have probably seen scenes where someones credit card gets rejected. Usually the character then pulls up another card and asks the cashier to try that one instead. I always found that … Continue reading

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Going to IKEA

For every good Swede moving to a new place includes at least one shopping trip to IKEA. And just because you move in a different contry doesn’t change this. So over the weekend I was at IKEA in East Palo … Continue reading

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Moving in!

Finally my days in a temporary corporate apartment in Santa Clara are over. Don’t get me wrong, there was nothing wrong with the apartment. It was a newly built apartment complex with a little shopping center next to it. But … Continue reading

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Autumn in California

One thing I have been wondering is what autumn would look like in California. Would the trees drop their leaves or would they just stay green? Well, it seems to be a little bit of both. Some trees have turned … Continue reading

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Have you been rickrolled?

Today I was rickrolled.. I don’t know if this a US only Internet phenomena or if it is global and I just have missed it. Anyway, to get rickrolled is really easy. You just have to be presented with a … Continue reading

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Baseball and politics

The beginning of this week was eventful in the Bay Area. First on Monday the San Francisco Giants became “world champions” in baseball. Something that Giants haven’t been since 1954 when they actually were the New York Giants. The two … Continue reading

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It’s Halloween time in USA and at Google that means they throw a Googleween party. Or actually, two parties. First one on Thursday where people can bring their children and then one on Friday that is not for children. Or … Continue reading

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Social security, and some real work

Maybe you noticed that my last blog post ended with a cliff hanger. If you didn’t notice, I will probably never be the next Dan Brown. 🙂 As I said last Monday I took a chance and went to the … Continue reading

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I have a project

Finally I know what I will be working on at Google. Unfortunately for everyone at Appear I will not be working with Android. I will be working with AdWords instead. That means that I now have a desk and a … Continue reading

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Money is a complicated topic in this country. Today I attended a session called “Financial Planning For New Hires”. Google had invited some personal finance expert that talked for almost two hours about how you should manage your personal economy. … Continue reading

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